Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh my blog

Im gonna share some of my games project today, inspired by Rex,, Dudeee.. u really blog alot about your work and u make me feel guilty!! Grrrr

anyway im gonna "borrow" the pics from ya blog XD

Global Game Jam

About January this year, my and some of my fellow friends joined this event,
and i tot i mention it in my blog but seems like i did Xp

this is our game menu screen
The whole game was done in 48 hours, so cant blame much that its not polish, and its also unfinish..

credits and more info @
im lazy.. lul~

and hell, i shall start a blog fully about my games and works, may be :p

And today only i notice the RK2 team ( remember MMU Gamefest?) and also other winners . we r in GameAxis Magazine.. well no one told me until Ryan saw it and says something XD .. gonna keep that book.. :P

Currently, im focusing on 3 game projects , this sems means triple works for me T-T..
Camelot, Archmage, and one more which is too PnC to tell :P.
Havent mention Mr Hilmy research and works..

Archmage is an iPhone game, talk about fate.. got this game from playing StarCraft2.. yea, starcraft :P. longg story.
Is an rpg base, cute clean cut style. We are also taking other ppl in to help finish this game as i cannot handle it all by myself due to other works.
Sneak Peak :

Tts gonna b 2d infinal form, but right now its started on 3D as its gonna be rendered

Not much i can say for now~ will update more when times allow it =)
happy happy!!~~

1 comment:

Rex | Cheefei said...

Add a like button on your article la~ i wanna click a LIKE!!