Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Tear Gas 9July

I am not a political person, but seems like Bersih2 has really make a big impact towards the people, which can actually includes me, that doesnt know much about politics issues.

I have did not have any opinion on the rally before it happens, but i knew alot of People are supporting it. After the rally, seeing how police threats civilians with TearGas and Violence , angers me, and I bet it is not only me.

Bersih Logo:

'Bersih' Means Clean

- Mr PM Najib should have seen this coming , his act towards Bersih People will and have certainly angers the public ,which it only creates more haters for him, What is the reason?

My guess :
1. He have all the authority , so means Us civilians have no talk at all, He can "Force" us to shut up, using the samseng/Gangster like Police force?(by bribing)
2. He's not educated enough to know all this.
3.Certainly he's just too afraid of Bersih as he know he will lose

All of the youngster nowadays should know whats happening in the age of Internets, BN can control the medias and newspaper of what they are reporting, but certainly not the internet which provide real RAW UNFILTERED News.

Frm wiki:
Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.

Equal say shit to BN voters, If it was fair, why the government not accepting Bersih2 proposal?

Why do Bersih ppl deserve this? what Bersih demanding is just Fair Clean Election

“Our reason for gathering is pure and simple — to demand that the electoral roll be cleaned, that the postal voting system be reformed, that indelible ink be used, a minimum 21 day campaign period be instated, free and fair access to media for all be provided, public institutions be strengthened, and for corruption as well as dirty politics to be stopped."

I heard alot of what happens towards Bersih2 people who are just holding a peaceful rally, it is sad to watch how the corrupted Policemen acted more like a bunch of gangster FREELY than the other criminals.

- The police have made a mockery of the law by arresting people for wearing T-shirts. While it is arguable whether preventive action and detention should still be allowed, arresting people for wearing T-shirts was a ridiculous act.

- More than 1,600 demonstrators have been arrested. including woman and CHILDREN
(A Mass arrest? so means if the whole country are against u Barisan Nasional , are All of us gonna be arrested? )

- Firing Tear Gases directly towards civilians that rally peacefully.
(We are not Terrorist, we did not brought any weapons or act violantly when rally, The police are the STARTER of violence here)

-Firing Tear Gas at a Hospital.

(I can declare that the police are either Pea-Brained, or holds no concern to the Rakyat(civilians)/the patients at all)

- Tear Gas at Both Opening under a tunnel/underway at KL Sentral, trapping people inside.
(Hello? this is definitely trying to torture the Rakyat, its not even defending or driving the people back) (Declared as Criminal Act by PKR)

-Tear Gas causes Death of one of our Malay friend : Allahyarham Baharuddin. The TG triggers his heart attack. May you rest in Peace..
(He have about 500 mourners, so Mr PM Prepare for more haters)

- In the end the police are just blindly firing Tear Gas, then kick and punch anyone that under the effect of teargas, causing bloods scene.

- Denials At Firing TearGas at Hospital and the Death of Allahyarham Baharuddin.
(We have real photos and videos of evidence that could slaps u straight on your face, yet you can still Deny them with that thick face skin)

- Police says there's "only" 5000 people out for rally
(While the truth is about 30,000 to 50,000 , and there will be more if there is no roadblocks and simple arresting ppl with yellow shirts )

-PM urges anti-Bersih 'silent majority' to speak up
(Open your eyes Mr PM, there are more Bersih Supporters out there than anti-Bersih)

- Massive of RoadBlocks causing unnecessary Traffic Jams

The police are supposed to be protecting our interests as citizens, not big government/corporate/political interests.

Im posting this not only on my own opinion, you should have know all this if you read the unfiltered news. I might just be another keyboard warrior for now, ive just reach my voting age pace with the election dates, i'll be registering to vote when chances come.

Anyhow, Bersih2 is a big success, seeing how Malays, Indians , other ethnics and even the Chinese united together to Make Malaysia a better place, this is a real united, (not the 1malaysia shit that PM failed us)It definitely triggers our country neighbours attention .

something funny that i read on youtube comments:
Syamsul Yusof should make a New movie Name "Police Gangster"
(well instead of KL Gangster.. lol)

Enough about politic for now, I will be having tons of work coming soon.
Take Care my friends, and hapy holiday


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